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  • Congenital Heart Information Network

    The Congenital Heart Information Network, a 501(c)3 organization created by the mother of a child with complex heart defects, provides reliable information, support services and resources to families of children with congenital defects and acquired heart disease, adults with congenital heart defects, and the professionals who work with them. Additional services include financial assistance to families in crisis, funding for local affiliated support groups, and sponsorship of an international CHD Awareness Campaign. With the guidance of a medical Advisory Panel, we maintain a commitment to providing resources that are accurate and reliable.

    人气:1934 - 百度权重:0 - Google PR:0 - 2013-03-27 - 收藏
  • 上海儿童心脏中心

    上海儿童医学中心 小儿心胸外科(暨心脏中心)的前身是新华医院小儿心胸外科,隶属于上海交通大学医学院(原上海第二医科大学),是丁文祥教授和苏肇伉教授 1974 年在国内首创的小儿先天性心脏病诊治的专业科室。 1999 年整体搬迁至上海浦东新区的上海儿童医学中心。经过几代人的艰苦创业,小儿心胸外科已经成为集医疗、教学、科研为一体,国内一流的先天性心脏病诊治中心。

    人气:2575 - 百度权重:0 - Google PR:0 - 2013-03-27 - 收藏
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