人气:1153 - 百度权重:0 - Google PR:0 - 2014-06-02 - 收藏北京黄太利德中医药研究院奋斗目标是通过研发出可以治疗人类第一杀手—心脑血管病中药产品,占据世界医学第一制高点,实现中医现代化,进而引发世界医学科学的革命。 研究院研发出的黄太利德正合丸,是目前唯一可以承诺治疗冠心病的产品,此产品深受中医泰斗吕炳奎老先生的赞扬,并题词:“积百代之精粹,聚万物之精华”。
人气:2082 - 百度权重:0 - Google PR:0 - 2014-06-02 - 收藏北京中日骨髓炎研究所是中国·日本骨关节感染领域高科技技术协作的医疗科研单位,集医疗科研临床为一体。
人气:1860 - 百度权重:0 - Google PR:0 - 2014-06-02 - 收藏For millennia, physicians in China have been helping patients to recover from a variety of illness by using acupuncture, Tuina ( a Chinese-style chiropractic), and herbs. These age-old medicines amplify your body\'s own natural healing power. Your body, under these kinds of proper directions, miraculously makes itself well without synthetic drugs or invasive surgeries. And now in the United States, the physicians at ACM HEALTH CENTERS have combined these ancient philosophies and techniques from the East with the knowledge of modern medical sciences from the West. When these two forms of medicine are combined, the result is significantly more effective.
人气:1528 - 百度权重:0 - Google PR:0 - 2013-03-02 - 收藏
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